Many of my Memories are Linked to this Building called Linlithgow.
I stayed in it for barely 9 Months, but the time spent there was very important.
It was here when I spent my first night and then next 90 Nights, without the sight of my parents.
My Parents just left me here with a promise to come back and pick me in evening. And they did not.
I kept Crying and Vomiting the entire night and I am know My Mom cried the entire night too. (I’m Teary Eyed when Writing this)
The very next Day I was Bullied, Kicked, Punched, Abused by my Classmate and it continued for atleast 6 Months.
Did I mention that I was only SIX years old then!!!!!
When I Think of Linligthgow, I Think of our Matron, Mrs Jacob!!
She injected DISCIPLINE into us. To an Extent.. That every night she checked our Underwears to see, if they were soiled and The Soiled one would get a Coat brush Whack.
And that was my bed, Just next to the Right most Window